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Faculty of Nursing

Historical Pespective

The Department of Nursing was first established in 1979 with a four-years study program in the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and its first opening was at the academic year 1980-81.

Since the academic year 1983-84, the Department of Nursing is equal with the other Depar­tments of the University according to the law for the Higher Educational Institutes, the 2424/83 decision of the Council of State, the Bl.959/22-8-83 Ministry Decision and the since 25-7-83 decision of the senate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since then, The Department of Nursing was included in the School of Health Sciences as an indepen­dent department.

Since the academic year 2005-2006, the Aca­demic training of the students of the Military Nursing Academy is offered by the Department of Nursing of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, while the military training is offered in the Military Academy according to their internal schedule.


The Nursing Science together with the Medi­cine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, consist the Health Sciences. The Department of Nursing aims at the spherical education of scientific nurses. The sublets of the theoretical and practical educa­tion refer to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the healthy or ill people, their family and their community.

Organization and Function

The personel of the Department of Nursing is distributed in 5 divisions:

  • Basic Science Division
  • Division of Internal Medicine - Nursing
  • Division of Surgical - Nursing
  • Division of Public Health
  • Division of Mental Health and Science of Behavior