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Division of Public Health

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health

    Research Programme's Title: EMMA-European Master on Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Society
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Panayota Sourtzi
    Duration: 2020-2023
    Funding Source: Erasmus+ KA2
    Official Website: https://www.emma-master.eu/
    Brief Description: The aim of the project is to identify the necessary competences for professionals who are involved in healthy and active ageing and the age friendly society. These competencies will be reflected in the on-line interdisciplinary master programme that will be developed so that the students will be able to develop innovative solutions for the challenges of ageing at local, national and European levels.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title:
    SUN 4 Patients (Stroke Units Necessity for Patients) - “Improving Stroke care in Greece in terms of management, costs and health outcomes”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Olga Siskou, RN, MSc, PhD, Academic Scholar
    Duration: 2018-2021
    Funding Source: GSRT (General Secretariat for Research and Technology) – HFRI (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation)
    Official Website: -

    Brief Description: The vision of this project is to support the efforts of the various actors (e.g. professionals, policy makers, patients) to enhance clinical outcomes for stroke patients while improving sustainability of the system by minimizing waste of resources. This will actually be the first attempt to measure the value of currently provided stroke care in Greece.  Measuring the value of stroke care in Greece, will enable improvements in effectiveness and efficiency, via reallocation of spending among types of services (e.g rehabilitation instead of inpatient), establishment of specialized social support services, development of a national network of specialized stroke units all over the country, minimization of non-value adding practices (e.g overuse of diagnostic imaging), adoption of evidence based practices, shortening of care cycle time etc. Specifically, the main objectives of the proposed project are to provide essential data on acute stroke management (quality indicators) incorporating hard clinical outcomes  that will contribute to an ongoing process of quality improvement, to develop an interactive multichannel platform, for collecting, cleansing and curating high quality inhospital and follow up data, applying multidimensional quality assessment analysis, providing statistical and analytic reports, monitoring behavioral changes and supporting overall project’s management, to evaluate patients’ and physicians’ experiences and their impact on stroke management, to assess severe negative impact of stroke on the life of survivors including quality of life and disability, to measure health related and non- health (loss of productivity, informal care) related national expenditure for stroke care using a bottom up approach and to evaluate the value of care focusing on health outcomes compared with total costs of achieving them.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health / Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: 
    “Support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in conducting user experience/satisfaction surveys in the local health units (TOMYs)”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2018-2019
    Funding Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Official Website: -
    Brief Description: The aim of this project is to provide support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in conducting a user experience survey within the local health units (TOMYs) by revising the existing questionnaires on patient experience/user satisfaction and provision of inputs to an adapted tool for the, leading the field work, providing with guidance/instructions for managers of health care facilities and reflecting the peculiarities of surveys in the TOMYs.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health
    Research Programme’s Title: Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture-Sacurima
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Heleni Petridou/Panayota Sourtzi (substitute)
    : 2017-2021
    Funding Source: Cost Action CA16123
    Official Website: https://www.sacurima.eu/
    Brief Description: The main aim and objective of this Cost Action in Agriculture is to explore the reasons why agriculture, one of the most dangerous occupations in Europe, continually lags behind improvements made in occupational health and safety in other major economic sectors. Statistics show agriculture to be consistently ranked in the most dangerous occupations across Europe but also show great differences in national fatality, injury and illness rates. This Cost Action will explore the various approaches in prevention and compliance programs across Europe and the wider world and attempt to identify why some countries have been more successful than others in reducing work related injury and illness in the agriculture sector. To achieve this, the Cost Action has established 5 Working Groups.

  • Department/Laboratory: Division of Public Health / Health Informatics Laboratory
    Research Programme's Title: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro (PH-ELIM)
    Scientific Leader: Professor John Mantas
    Duration:  2016-2020
    Funding Source: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
    Official Website: http://ph-elim.net/
    Brief Description: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro (PH-ELIM)” is an Erasmus + project fostering cooperation among Institutes and Universities in Germany, Montenegro, Greece, Austria and Hungary. Key project goals are to enhance and modernize the educational system in ME in accordance with common EU best practices, provide education of public health professionals at all levels making them highly competent to support nation in creating sustainable and flexible healthcare system, deliver effective healthcare services and protect citizens against health threats, all by cost-effective and straightforward approach.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health / Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: 
    “Support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in developing a National Strategy/Strategic Plan on Human Resources for Health”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2017-2018
    Funding Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Official Website: -
    Brief Description: The focus of this project was to provide support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in developing a Strategic Plan on Human Resources for Health. This activity was under the SCUC2 in supporting MoH to formulate a comprehensive strategic plan on Human Resources for Health (HRH) and short- and medium-term HRH policies and interventions, taking into consideration the main health policy goals set by MoH towards universal health coverage, and the on-going country-wide roll-out of the Primary Health Care network and the reorganization of the Public Health Services. The action was implemented through a team of international and local experts. The project was conducted with close collaboration between members of the Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation (CHESME), Panteion University of Athens, WHO and KIT Royal Tropical Institute.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “Support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in developing the tools for conducting periodic user satisfaction surveys in public health care facilities”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2017-2018
    Funding Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
    Official Website: - 
    Brief Description: The focus of this project was twofold. Firstly, it was meant to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Greece in developing measurement tools (questionnaires) for conducting periodic user satisfaction surveys in public health care facilities and, secondly, managers and service providers were provided with guidance in using them. The project was conducted with close collaboration between members of the Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation (CHESME), University of Athens and NIVEL (National Institute for Health Services Research, https://www.nivel.nl/en/about-nivel) which is the national institute for Health Services Research in the Netherlands. The questionnaires were developed to measure patient preferences and experiences with health care services. This study aimed in developing, validating and implementing - in three pilot locations - tailor-made questionnaires to assess the experiences and preferences of Greek people related to primary care, ambulatory specialist and outpatient hospital services.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “i-CARE” (2015-1-EL01-KA202-014051)”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2015-2017
    Funding Source: State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) - EU (Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships program)
    Official Website: http://www.i-care-project.eu/ - http://www.i-care-mooc.eu/?lang=en
    Brief Description: An international project with four participating countries (Greece via National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as Co-ordinator, France, Italy and Cyprus). The objectives of the project were to improve the knowledge and skills of informal carers regarding patient care (basic skills), to improve the health and safety of their own self (care for the caregivers) and, as a result, to increase the quality of the services provided to the patients, and to improve the soft and ICT skills of formal and informal carers.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: HEDIC: “Health Expenditure by Disease and Conditions”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2013-2016
    Funding Source: Eurostat
    Official Website: -
    Brief Description: A EUROSTAT project along with nine other participating countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuanian, Netherlands, and Sweden) and Inspection Generale de la Securite Sociale- IGSS of Luxembourg as the Coordinator. The aim of this project was to provide information on the burden of broad disease categories (based on ICD-10 e.g. Neoplasms, Cardiovascular diseases etc) by linking health expenditure data with patient characteristics (gender and age groups). It was implemented in the frame of the new Eurostat concept “Public health statistics for monitoring EU health” which aimed to increase the use of official public health data at the European Union level.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “ΑΚΕSO 2-Set up, organization and evaluation of home health and palliative care in the community - nurses’ education in home care and palliative care in the community”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2013-2015
    Funding Source: ESPA 2007-2013, Ministry of Health
    Official Website: http://akeso.nurs.uoa.gr/
    Brief Description: The purpose of this project was to train and educate nurses on the issues of home care and palliative care in the community by creating and implementing a specific training program which included distance-learning courses. The nurses that were trained were able to participate effectively in the development of these services and to coordinate and operate in structures of the NHS (e.g. Health Centres, Hospitals). Additional objectives of the project were to develop operating standards to assess home health care services as well as to investigate the economic benefits for the NHS to develop them.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “THALIS–UOA-The Detection, Transcription, and Analysis of Inequalities to Healthcare Access for Immigrants Living in Greece”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Emmanouil Velonakis, Professor
    Duration: 2011-2015
    Funding Source: Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek National funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning"
    Official Website: http://healthgate4all.gr/
    Brief Description: The objectives of the project included a) identification, record and analysis of any restrictions on the access and quality of health services for immigrants in Greece (demand side) - for the purposes of the study a structured questionnaire was developed and tested in a pilot phase, b) review of the relevant EU policies and to present good practices of other EU Member States regarding the combat of health disparities, c) submission of proposals towards improvement, adapted to the peculiarities of the Greek health system and to the actual health needs of the immigrants and d) empowerment and facilitation of the health care access and provision for migrants in Greece (supply side).

    In more detail, in order to facilitate the access of immigrants to health services a web-page was developed with all the necessary information material (health services, legal advice, financial issues etc) and a data base for info kiosks that may be accessed by migrants were placed in central, open accessed but protected places (e.g railway and metro stations) of Athens and Thessaloniki on a pilot basis. Both web page and infokiosk data base provide in various languages all relevant information.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/The laboratory “Community Health Nursing” includes the following Units: 1) Family’s Healthcare and Health Promotion at Home, 2) School Nursing (Special Education, Classic Education), 3) Study of special populations - Transcultural Nursing.
    Research Programme's Title: Development of a standard quality model in health education, self-care and rehabilitation of patients with neoplasms. Code Number: 11551
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Athena Kalokerinou
    Duration: 2 years
    Funding Source: Funded NSRF, completed 2015
    Official Website: http://selfcare.hc.teiath.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/%CE%A3%CF%85%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%82-CE%A4%CF%8C%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%82_%CE%97%CE%BB.compressed.pdf
    Brief Description: This Project focuses on the role of the Community Nurse in the care of healthy and sick persons at home and Developed of a standard quality model in health education, self-care and rehabilitation of patients with neoplasms.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/The laboratory “Community Health Nursing” includes the following Units: 1) Family’s Healthcare and Health Promotion at Home, 2) School Nursing (Special Education, Classic Education), 3) Study of special populations - Transcultural Nursing.
    Research Programme's Title: Development of an integrated post –hospital health care system of patients from vulnerable social groups. Networking of hospitals and primary health care services with Nursing Volunteer of the Greek Red Cross with the University Hospital of Ioannina and Local Government” MIS:376390
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Athena Kalokerinou
    Duration: 2 years
    Funding Source: Funded NSRF, completed 2015
    Official Website: http://www.homehealthcare-rcuoa.gr/
    Brief Description: The objective of the «ΑΚΕΣΩ-1» project was to create a Home Health Care System for people from Vulnerable Social Groups in Ioannina with the best possible use of the available resources. In particular, educational material was developed around Home Health Care that was used to educate / sensitize the people who underwent the home care program in the above-mentioned areas as follows: Education / awareness of volunteers, 20 in Ioannina. Education / awareness of caregivers, 30 in Ioannina. The individual seminars were carried out by the “Home Health Care” Services of the Hellenic Red Cross and the “Volunteer Nursing Office“ of the Hellenic Red Cross, with programs, know-hows and educational material created by the “Family Care Unit in Home" of the Community Nursing Laboratory of the University of Athens, based on an optimal clinical practice. The results from the implementation of the program (2013-2015) include the creation of a total of 51 job openings and the home health caring for 29 in Ioannina, patients coming from vulnerable social groups. In particular, 2,399 in Ioannina respectively. At of the interventions that were made, in Ioannina 3,539. For the needs of the program, an electronic health record database was created using a check - list where all patient information was recorded during home visits by the Hellenic Red Cross nurses. The high performance of the structure in terms of the quality of its services and functions is detrimental to compliance with the international ISO standards.The Community Health Nursing Laboratory of the University of Athens in association with the Nursing Division of Hellenic Red Cross implemented the “ΑΚΕΣΩ-1” project - Development of an integrated post-hospital health care system for patients coming from vulnerable social groups. Networking of primary health care nursing services and volunteers of the Hellenic Red Cross with general hospitals in in Ioannina with the University Hospital. The «ΑΚΕΣΩ-1» project consisted of actions within the program “Human Resources Development” of the Ministry of Health and the NSRF 2007-2013 and it was co-financed by Greece and the EU.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/The laboratory “Community Health Nursing” includes the following Units: 1) Family’s Healthcare and Health Promotion at Home, 2) School Nursing (Special Education, Classic Education), 3) Study of special populations - Transcultural Nursing.
    Research Programme's Title: Development of an integrated post –hospital health care system of patients from vulnerable social groups. Networking of hospitals and primary health care services with Nursing Volunteer of the Greek Red Cross with General Hospitals in Athens and Thessaloniki and Local Government.” MIS:374850
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Athena Kalokerinou
    Duration: 2 years
    Funding Source: Funded NSRF, completed 2015
    Official Website: http://www.homehealthcare-rcuoa.gr/
    Brief Description: The objective of the «ΑΚΕΣΩ-1» project was to create a Home Health Care System for people from Vulnerable Social Groups in Athens, Thessaloniki with the best possible use of the available resources.The system was based on the networking and co-operation between the Health Units of the above areas, the Corresponding Sections of the Hellenic Red Cross and the Local Government, with ultimate goal the promotion of post-hospital care for patients.

    In particular, educational material was developed around Home Health Care that was used to educate / sensitize the people who underwent the home care program in the above-mentioned areas as follows: Education / awareness of volunteers, 55 people in Athens, 30 people in Thessaloniki. Education / awareness of caregivers, 40 people in Athens, 30 in Thessaloniki. The individual seminars were carried out by the “Home Health Care” Services of the Hellenic Red Cross and the “Volunteer Nursing Office“ of the Hellenic Red Cross, with programs, know-hows and educational material created by the “Family Care Unit in Home" of the Community Nursing Laboratory of the University of Athens, based on an optimal clinical practice. Also, specialized educational material developed and edited by the Community Nursing Laboratory of the University of Athens, led to the certification of 50 nurses of the Hellenic Red Cross, in community nursing through the Vocational Training Center of the University of Athens. The results from the implementation of the program (2013-2015) include the creation of a total of 51 job openings and the home health caring for 733 patients in Athens, 332 patients in Thessaloniki, patients coming from vulnerable social groups. In particular, 7,395 home visits were made in Athens, 2,977 in Thessaloniki respectively. At of the interventions that were made, in Athens were made 17,167 medical, nursing and physiotherapeutic interventions, in Thessaloniki 7,055 .For the needs of the program, an electronic health record database was created using a check - list where all patient information was recorded during home visits by the Hellenic Red Cross nurses. The high performance of the structure in terms of the quality of its services and functions is detrimental to compliance with the international ISO standards. The Community Health Nursing Laboratory of the University of Athens in association with the Nursing Division of Hellenic Red Cross implemented the “ΑΚΕΣΩ-1” project - Development of an integrated post-hospital health care system for patients coming from vulnerable social groups. Networking of primary health care nursing services and volunteers of the Hellenic Red Cross with general hospitals in Athens and Thessaloniki.

    INPORTANT: The «ΑΚΕΣΩ-1» project consisted of actions within the program “Human Resources Development” of the Ministry of Health and the NSRF 2007-2013 and it was co-financed by Greece and the EU. In total in the three cities 1,094 patients were cared for, 12,771 home visits were made and 27,761 medical, nursing and physiotherapeutic interventions were performed.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “Impacts of the Crisis on access to health care services: country “reports on Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia and Luxembourg”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2013-2014
    Funding Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2013/0488/2993)
    Official Website:-
    Brief Description: The aim of this project was to identify population groups that have experienced reduced access as a consequence of the crisis. It further aimed to describe the measures that selected health care providers have taken to maintain access to healthcare. The added value lies mainly in up-to-date case studies of how healthcare providers have responded to the crisis. In order to investigate the providers best practices, face to face interviews (with a semi structured questionnaire) were taken place and content analysis was implemented.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “Investigating the economic results of a cost-sharing mechanism implementation in public primary health care settings”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2012-2014
    Funding Source: Ministry of Health
    Official Website:-
    Brief Description: The objective of this study was to identify the extent to which patients accept the measure of the cost sharing fee in primary care units (health centers and hospitals’ outpatient departments) as well as to investigate whether patients perceive the potential benefits of the measure for the quality improvement of the provided health services. The study population consisted of 1,260 people who used public primary health units. An appropriate structured questionnaire was developed based on extended literature review and the suggestions of an expert panel.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/The laboratory “Community Health Nursing” includes the following Units: 1) Family’s Healthcare and Health Promotion at Home, 2) School Nursing (Special Education, Classic Education), 3) Study of special populations - Transcultural Nursing.
    Research Programme's Title: Evidence –based on Home Health Nursing Care.Code Number: 1337.
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Athena Kalokerinou
    Duration: 2 years
    Funding Source: Special Account for Research Grants of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, completed 2014
    Official Website:-
    Brief Description: This Project focuses on the role of the Community Nurse in the care of healthy and sick persons at home; Address the complexities of home nursing care; Assess Client’s health and illness in the home setting. Developed the plan of care of clients with different problems and diseases; organized and operated the Home Health Care service. Developed and implemented nursing protocols in the home care setting; evidence based-on nursing theoretical models and classification systems.

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Center of Health Services Management and Evaluation
    Research Programme's Title: “Study for the implementation of the OECD SHA 2010-1 and proposal for the regulation concerning the adoption and the implementation”
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Lycourgos Liaropoulos, Emeritus Professor - Daphne Kaitelidou, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2011-2013
    Funding Source: Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek National Funds
    Official Website:-
    Brief Description: The System of Health Accounts (SHA) is the system that defines the direction of the health expenditures by health provider and by health care activities relying on the following three axes: 1) the financing of health services by financing agency (demand), 2) the direction of the funding on health expenditure by health provider and by health care activity (supply) and 3) the financing of health providers by financing agency (consumption). According to the Eurostat Regulation, member countries are obliged to provide health expenditure data based on the SHA system. The project was conducted within the frame of a Memorandum of Cooperation that was signed between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Nursing Department), ELSTAT and the Ministry of Health. The first data series (2003-2011) and a Greek analytic methodological guidance, produced by CHESME-UoA, were published in April 2013. The project was continued by ELSTAT: http://www.statistics.gr/en/statistics/-/publication/SHE35/- 

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Health Informatics Laboratory
    Research Programme's Title: RN4CAST (Registered Nurse Forcasting)
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: John Mantas, Professor
    Department's Associate Members: Marianna Diomidous, Associate Professor
    Duration: 2009-2011
    Official Website: www.rn4cast.eu
    Funding Source: European Union under the Seventh Framework Program
    Brief Description:

  • Department/Laboratory: Public Health/Clinical Epidemiology Laboratory
    Research Programme's Title: A Website of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Principal Investigator/Scientific Leader: Marianna Diomidous, Associate Professor
    Funding Source: Special Account for Research Grants of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
    Brief Description: Under Construction