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Health Informatics Laboratory

Department: Public Health
Laboratory:  Health Informatics Laboratory
Director: Professor Dr. John Mantas

Laboratory Contact Details

Room / Building

Department of Nursing, 123 Papadiamantopoulou Str, Goudi, Athens, 11527

  • Office 1-06
  • Laboratory Room 1-07
  • Multimedia Room 1-08

General Description

The Health Informatics Laboratory of the Nursing Department of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens was officially founded in 1993 while its scientific activity started in 1988.

The main objectives of the laboratory are both to support educational needs as well as to serve research needs in the fields of Health Informatics and its applications.

As far as its educational activity is concerned, both undergraduate and postgraduate courses of Informatics take place in the laboratory. Continuous improvement in university education and IT skills offer future nurses a powerful tool to cope in the best possible way with the growing needs of their workplace.

As far as research activity is concerned, the laboratory participates in a large number of research projects at both Greek and European level, with major projects funded by the European Union. Promoting Computer Science in Healthcare and extracting valuable conclusions published in scientific journals and conferences are the ultimate goals of laboratory research.

It is worth mentioning that the laboratory is a member of the International Association for Medical Informatics and the postgraduate programme with a specialization in Health Informatics was the first postgraduate program of the Nursing Department.

Professor John Mantas is the Director of the laboratory since its foundation until today.

Laboratory Staff

  • Professor John Mantas, jmantas@nurs.uoa.gr
  • Dr. Joseph Liaskos, iliaskos@nurs.uoa.gr
  • Dr. Spiros Zogas, spirosz@nurs.uoa.gr
  • Dr. Parisis Gallos, parisgallos@nurs.uoa.gr, parisgallos@yahoo.com

Laboratory  Courses (undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum) - taught in the laboratory

Undergraduate Courses

  • Introduction to Informatics and Data Analysis
  • Health Informatics

Postgraduate Courses

  • Principles of Informatics
  • E-Health and Applications
  • Introduction to Biostatistics


The Health Informatics Laboratory was established in 1996 (PD 270, Gov. 195/24-8-1996) and belongs to the Public Health. Housed in the building of the Department of Nursing on the road Papadiamantopoulou 123 in Goudi (ground floor) in a special place of 106 sq.m.

The premises of the laboratory include 3 classrooms and 1 office.

The halls contain 45 high technology computers and used for laboratory courses for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

During the free hours of courses they are used by undergraduate and post graduate students of the Department for work and research.

In the first main hall is contained a special room in which there are 5 workstations for students and researchers and there is also a Server Room suitably insulated in which the servers are supporting laboratories. Total current 7 Server operating in 4 computers. In addition there is a projector and three internet printers.

The supply of electronic equipment (PC, printers, etc.) has come from successful award of the second and third Community Support Framework of the NSRF and the region of Attica.

The Nursing Department as well as the laboratory Health Informatics are connected to the network "Athena" of the University of Athens.

Laboratory Research Activities

The Health Informatics Laboratory presents intense research activity, participating in numerous European and international research projects and collaborating with university laboratories and medical institutions. The major areas of scientific research include:

  • Nursing Informatics
  • Medical Informatics
  • Telemedicine
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Hospital Information System
  • Educational applications using computer
  • Classification and coding of clinical documents


  • Moen A., Lovis C., Mihalas G., Mantas J., Peek N., Balicer R., Masikc I.M., Stoicu-Tivadar L. EFMI - European Federation for Medical Informatics Association. Information on IMIA Regional Groups. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2018; 296-301.
  • Zogas S., Birbas K., Chondrocoukis G., Mantas J., Evaluation of a Laboratory e-Learning Course in Health Informatics. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:317-319.
  • Kolokathi A., Mantas J. Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: A Mapping Approach. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:313-316.
  • Ognjanović I., Šendelj R., Knaup P., Mantas J., Adany R., Ammenwerth E.,Nikolić G., Jakšić Stojanović A., Đurić D. The Stratified Framework for Enhancement of Study Programs in Public Health in Montenegro. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:301-304.
  • Gallos P., Georgiadis C., Liaskos J. Mantas J. Augmented Reality Glasses and Head-Mounted Display Devices in Healthcare. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:301-304.
