Pediatric Research Laboratory
Department: Internal Medicine-Nursing
Laboratory: Paediatric Research Laboratory (PRL)
Director: Ioanna D. Pavlopoulou, Associate Professor
Secretariat/Communication Responsible: Evangelos Bozas
Laboratory Contact Details
- Telephone: +30 210 7461483
Fax: +30 210 7461476
E-mail: idpavlop[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr, ebozas[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Room / Building
- Room 2-18, 1st floor
123 Papadiamantopoulou St, Goudi, 11527 Athens, Greece
General Description
- Education of postgraduate students in laboratory methods
- Development of research programs
- Development and application of molecular, serological, haematological & immunological laboratory techniques
- Service provision (medical diagnostics and health education)
Research interests
- Serologic immunity against vaccine preventable diseases in different population groups
- Genetic predisposition of diseases (Diabetes mellitus type 1, and complications)
- Biological markers of pain and stress (Y- neuropeptide, substance P, cortisol, amylase etc.) in various medical conditions (serious illness, postoperative, cancer patients, etc.), and in children and infants after nursing interventions
Laboratory Staff
- Konstantinos Tsoumakas, Professor of Paediatrics ktsoumak[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Ioanna D. Pavlopoulou (Director), Associate Professor of Paediatrics, idpavlop[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Evangelos Bozas Laboratory Teaching Staff, ebozas[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Scientific Associates
- Vasiliki Matziou, Professor of Paediatric Nursing, vmatziou[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Margarita Giannakopoulou, Professor in Fundamentals Nursing, mgiannak[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Academic Fellows
- Stavroula Dikalioti, MD, PhD, sdikalioti[at]gmail[dot]com
PhD Candidates
- Christina Ioannidou, RN, MSc, xristina_io[at]hotmail[dot]com
- Marsela Tanaka, RN, MSc, mtanaka[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Lida Mentesidou, MD, lidament[at]gmail[dot]com
The Paediatric Research Laboratory is located on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Nursing. It consists of 2 rooms including an office/ library and a research unit for DNA isolation, blood sample processing, hybridization and ELISA techniques, and also a specially designed area for PCR and cell cultures.
Τhe existing equipment of the laboratory includes the following:
- Vertical laminar flow, PCR device (PE system 9700), a β-radiation counter, an electrophoresis device, a UV box (for observation of agarose gels), a centrifuge (Heraeus Labofuge 200)
- VICTOR Multilabel counter 1420, two Vortex, a pH meter and three freezers at -30 oC.
- An incubator, a refrigerated centrifuge, a horizontal stirrer, a water distiller, a precision balance, a water bath, a sterilizing oven, a complete set of automatic pipettes, a freezer -80 oC, a refrigerator and three independent PCs.
Laboratory Research Activities
- “Laboratory parameters as criteria for assessing the natural course of bronchiolitis”, research protocol of Dr L. Mentesidou, PhD candidate
- "Investigation of chronic pain and associated factors in Intensive Care Unit hospitalized patients", research protocol of Mrs E. Gianellou, PhD candidate, in collaboration with the Dept of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology
- Ioannidou C, Galanis P, Kokkota-Voulgari A, Bozas E, Mentis A, Tsoumakas K, Pavlopoulou ID. Serological immunity against polioviruses among immigrant and refugee children arriving in Greece. Archives of Hellenic Medicine 2019, 36 (): 1-10.
- Tanaka M, Petsios K, Dikalioti SK, Poulopoulou S, Matziou V, Theocharis S, et al. Lead Exposure and Associated Risk Factors among New Migrant Children Arriving in Greece. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 May 23;15(6). pii: E1057. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15061057.
- Pavlopoulou ID, Tanaka M, Dikalioti S, Samoli E, Nisianakis P, Boleti OD, et al. Clinical and laboratory evaluation of new immigrant and refugee children arriving in Greece. BMC Pediatr. 2017 May 26;17(1):132. doi: 10.1186/s12887-017-0888-7.
- Papathanassoglou E, Mpouzika MD, Giannakopoulou M, Bozas E, Middleton N, Tsiaousis G, et al. Association between lymphocyte expression of the apoptotic receptor Fas and pain in critically ill patients. J Pain Res. 2017 Jan 13;10: 175-181. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S118105. eCollection 2017.
- Kapritsou M, Papathanassoglou ED, Bozas E, Korkolis DP, Konstantinou EA, Kaklamanos I, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Pain, Stress, Neuropeptide Y, ACTH, and Cortisol Levels Between a Conventional Postoperative Care Protocol and a Fast-Track Recovery Program in Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery. Biol Res Nurs. 2017 Mar;19(2):180-189. doi: 10.1177/1099800416682617. Epub 2016 Dec 20.