Pediatrics Clinics
Section: Internal Medicine-Nursing
Clinic: Pediatrics
Director: Professor Konstantinos Tsoumakas
Clinic Contact Details
- Tel: +30 213 2009311
Fax: +30 213 2009130
E-mail: ktsoumak[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Room / Building
- Children Hospital «P. & A. Kyriakou»
General Description
The medical staff of the Pediatric Clinic of the Department of Nursing examines daily a large number of pediatric patients both as emergency cases and patients with preconception with any problem and treated accordingly. Additionally, a large number of foreigners (Refugees and Immigrants) with special health problems arrive at the Clinic and the corresponding services are provided. Of particular interest is the children's vaccinations as well as counseling for children's development and nutrition. At the same time, a large number of students of the Department of Nursing are trained in the Clinic.
- Konstantinos Tsoumakas, Professor of Pediatrics, e-mail: ktsoumak[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Vassiliki Matziou, Professor of Pediatric Nursing, e-mail: vmatziou[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Ioanna Pavlopoulou, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, e-mail: idpavlop[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
- Stavroula Dikalioti, pediatrician, Academic Scholar, e-mail: sdikalioti[at]gmail[dot]com
- Efrosini Vlachioti, Nurse, Academic Scholar, e-mail: evlaxioti[at]yahoo[dot]gr
- Evagelos Bozas, Biologist, e-mail: ebozas[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Taught Clinical Courses (undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum)
Undergraduate Program
- Pediatrics
- Pediatric Nursing
- Children’ accidents
- Nursing problems of children with chronic diseases
Postgraduate Program
- Urgent Pediatric Care
- General Principles of Pediatric Therapeutics
- Children’s nursing problems
- Palliative care of children and adolescents
- Children’s with cancer nursing problems
- Neonate’s and infant’s nursing care
- Management of pediatric pain
- Child and kidney disease, difficulties in care
- Evidence based nursing care: Protocols, guidelines
- Pediatric Care in the Community
- Pediatric Patient Assessment
- Nursing and Infant Care
Regular Outpatient Clinic, Office: Children's Hospital "P. & A. Kiriakou"
Research Activities
- Pediatrics
- Pediatric Nursing
- Adolescence
- Children’ accidents
- National Vaccine Program
- Respiratory diseases
- Quality of life of children with cancer
- Quality of life of children with Diabetes Mellitus
- Management of Pediatric Pain
- Infections
- Public Health
- Drosatou C, Vlachopapadopoulou EA, Bullinger M, Quitmann J, Silva N, Salemi G, Pavlopoulou I, Michalacos S, Tsoumakas K. Validation of the Greek version of the Quality of Life in Short Stature Youth (QoLISSY) questionnaire. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2019, 26;32(3):215-224.
- Boutopoulou B, Koumpagioti D, Matziou V, Priftis KN, Douros K. Interventions on Adherence to Treatment in Children With Severe Asthma: A Systematic Review.. Front Pediatr 2018, 21; 6:232.
- Tanaka M, Petsios K, Dikalioti SK, Poulopoulou S, Matziou V, Theocharis S, Pavlopoulou ID. Lead Exposure and Associated Risk Factors among New Migrant Children Arriving in Greece. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018, 23; 15(6).
- Dinopoulos A, Tsirouda M, Bonakis A, Pons R, Pavlopoulou Ι, Tsoumakas Κ. Sleep architecture and epileptic characteristics of drug naïve patients in childhood absence epilepsy spectrum. A prospective study. Seizure 2018, 59: 99–107.
- Matziou V, Manesi V, Vlachioti E, Perdikaris P, Matziou T, Chliara JI, Mpoutopoulou B. Evaluating how paediatric nurses perceive the family-centred model of care and its use in daily practice. Br J Nurs 2018, 26; 27(14):810-816.